Protecting Your Tomorrow

When might supervised visitation be for the best? 

On Behalf of | Aug 27, 2024 | Child Custody And Support

Child custody cases in Missouri can be complex. Every family dynamic is unique. Nonetheless, one thing remains constant in these proceedings- the best interests of the child. 

For the most part, the family courts believe that it is in the best interests of the child for both parents to be actively involved in the child’s life. Usually, this means one parent being awarded physical custody and the other having visitation rights. Both parents will usually have a say in terms of legal custody- major decisions in the child’s life such as healthcare. 

Nonetheless, the court does have other options. They can impose supervised visitation when necessary. What is supervised visitation and when might it be for the best? 

A controlled environment can facilitate bonding

There are numerous supervised visitation centers across the state of Missouri. These are safe places where there is always a social worker on hand. The ultimate aim of these facilities is to provide a safe and secure environment for parents and children to maintain or create a bond. When might it be necessary to take advantage of these facilities? 


Parents and children aren’t always given the opportunity to get to know one another from birth. Sometimes, it can be several years before they discover that they are related. It is generally not in the best interests of the child to be thrown into a new relationship very quickly. Instead, utilizing supervised visitation can help estranged family members build a bond over time. Typically, this arrangement is temporary. Once parent and child have managed to build a bond, they can gradually move on to unsupervised visits. 

Health issues 

When either a parent or child has physical or mental health issues, supervised visitation can be helpful. For example, a parent may find it too physically and mentally demanding to look after a child on their own all day. Supervised visitation allows someone to step in should it become too much. Again, this arrangement is often temporary, until the health condition of either the parent or child has improved. 

Supervised visitation is just one of many child custody options. To discover more about your parental rights, it can help to seek legal guidance.