Protecting Your Tomorrow

Firm News

Relentless Independence.

Meet one of the twins – George L. Metcalfe, Jr.

George and his twin brother Justin were born 39 years ago when I was a second year law student at St. Thomas University School of Law in Miami.

As children, they were always a handful – with probing, sometimes deafening,  unrelenting and independent thoughts which few others would dare to share.   Some call it – “Pulling a Metcalfe!”

On February 4, 2025 George was welcomed as a Shareholder (partner) at  Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart, P.A. – one of Florida’s premier business law firms.

George and both of his brothers and his sister, (Justin, Andrew, and Gabriella) each earned very high levels of successful accomplishments through their hard work, commitment, drive, relentless independence, and self sacrifices which make their families and loved ones very proud.  They are growing fine children and families as well.

It is a parent’s joy to know that a child has grown into truly kind, caring and decent adults and they each have my enduring love, true admiration and respect for their gifts to our days.

Proud Papa.

George L. Metcalfe, Jr.

First Hurricane Milton Legal Clinic for St. Lucie County is Scheduled October 16th at Rupert J. Smith Law Library

Attorney George Metcalfe offers a series of no-cost legal clinics for St. Lucie County who are affected by Hurricane Milton related tornadoes which affected all of us last week in our community.

Due to expected needs there will be additional clinics scheduled in November and December.

For registration, call (772) 462-2370

Thumbnail Of Family Law Clinic Offered at RJS in October

Photo of Honorary Canine and Firm-owned German Shepherd Enforcer

Meet Office Manager Klaus – our firm-owned German Shepherd Enforcer and Honorary Canine Employee

He has his own office, and is now in charge of client and community relations,

security, and (oh and yes) C-O-L-L-E-C-T-I-O-N-S.

As you can see, the ladies just love him – and yes, troublemakers fear him.

Klaus wouldn’t have it any other way.

Headshot of Karen Cabrera

Introducing Legal Assistant Karen Cabrera

Legal Assistant Karen Cabrera, a graduate of Indian River State College’s Paralegal Studies Program, was raised in Miami and is proficient in English and Spanish. She seemlessly bridges language and cultural difference for our growing family law practice representing Spanish speaking clients in the Treasure Coast and in Miami-Dade County. Karen brings experience in law, small business and public service.

Firm News – SLW Centennial High School Trains Students for Legal Careers and for Assistant Legal Professional (ALP) Certification Exam

Students from St. Lucie West Centennial High School’s Criminal Justice (CJ4) Class visited the Rupert J. Smith Law Library in Fort Pierce to learn legal research skills and office practice with their instructor and Florida attorney, Ms. Angela Baumgarten. The students visited the courthouse, met judges and staff, and had a roundtable discussion about realities of law practice with attorney George Metcalfe and paralegal Karen Cabrera.