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Could the court deny your divorce?

On Behalf of | Oct 1, 2024 | Divorce

When you file for divorce, you are petitioning the court to end your marriage. You are hoping that the judge will grant you the divorce. But how concerned do you have to be? Is it possible for the court to deny your divorce? 

It is true that there are some cases when a court will deny a divorce. But this is very rare in Florida and all across the United States. For the most part, people are simply asking for no-fault divorces, so they don’t have to prove that their spouse did anything wrong. Many couples agree to get divorced, so the court is involved with the legal process, but it doesn’t have as much to do with allowing or disallowing the divorce. As such, divorce denials are uncommon.

Why might they happen?

One thing to keep in mind is that paperwork errors could lead to issues with the divorce. If you’ve made a technical error on your divorce petition, the court may not be able to proceed. But this doesn’t mean that you are being denied a divorce. It just means that you need to fix the errors with your paperwork and resubmit the documents.

What does the court do?

In the vast majority of cases, the court is going to grant the divorce, so the judge is more involved in facilitating the process. The court can issue an order regarding child custody rights, for instance. The judge can help with dividing assets or things of this nature. This can become very important if there are legal issues, such as allegations of financial fraud.

As you can see, even if you know that your divorce will eventually be granted, it’s still important to know what legal steps to take as you work through this process.