Your child might go through different challenges during and after your divorce. And experiencing many changes simultaneously can worsen things.
Luckily, you can protect your child from the impact of divorce by minimizing the changes they go through, which you can attain by maintaining consistency. Here is how to maintain consistency in co-parenting:
1. Have consistent routines
You and your co-parent can agree to have the same daily, weekly and monthly routines. With a daily routine, your child can observe similar bedtime, screen time, chores, homework, mealtime and dietary rules. Weekly routines can include going for a walk/picnic, doing laundry together, playing board games, going grocery shopping as a family and more.
Examples of activities you can do each month with your child include visiting grandparents, visiting a local farm, taking them to a sleepover and so on.
With a consistent routine, your child knows what to expect. If they are with you on a weekend they expect to visit a park, they won’t have to worry about missing it because the other parent took them the last time. They know their routine will be maintained.
Have similar parenting rules
It’s not necessarily a disadvantage if you and your co-parent have different parenting styles. If anything, your different ways of approaching things can benefit your child. Nonetheless, having similar rules in both homes can help you maintain consistency. Your child should understand what can get them into trouble in the other parent’s home could lead to the same results in yours. That eliminates a lot of uncertainty in their life.
Effective communication is critical in implementing parenting rules. You and your co-parent should have regular discussions regarding discipline.
Consistency matters in co-parenting. Learn more about how you can establish consistency for your child to help them have a smooth transition into their new life.