Protecting Your Tomorrow

A deep dive into gray divorce in 2025

On Behalf of | Jan 23, 2025 | Divorce

As we begin the new year 2025, many of us remember to reflect on our lives, get to know ourselves and practice self-care, which is difficult to find time for today.

Diving into divorce

When we think of divorce, many people associate younger or middle-aged couples in a courtroom fighting it out. First, in today’s America, it is possible to have a civil divorce from beginning to end if both parties choose to do that. It is, however, recommended that each of you have your attorney.

By definition, gray divorce refers to the dissolution of marriage among older adults, typically over 50 years old. Many people wonder why the gray divorce numbers have skyrocketed, and one of the main reasons is that it has become socially acceptable. No one really bats an eyelash—perhaps aside from an “I’m sorry”—when they learn someone older is divorcing.

Why does it happen?

The reasons for gray divorce continue to grow, and as we observe this, we wonder if there is a way to stop this trend. Awareness about marriage, prenuptial agreements, marriage classes, and parenting classes can help significantly. Couples marry later these days, and those couples have higher education levels, which correlates with better chances of remaining married.

The effects of this phenomenon are significant. Studies have shown that divorced gray adults can feel lonely, depressed, and anxious because of the divorce. However, it is also key to know that divorce causes those feelings in most couples, regardless of age.