Protecting Your Tomorrow

Can we modify a parenting plan in Florida?

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2023 | Child Custody And Support

Everyone goes through unanticipated life changes, which forces us to adjust. When you have a new job in another city, you usually have no choice but to relocate. Similarly, when your child goes through those changes, you, as a parent, also must adjust to ensure that you are tending to their needs. For separated parents, these changes mean applying tweaks or major alterations to the parenting plan.

The law acknowledges these changes

Fortunately, Florida, like other states, allows modifications to parenting plans. However, before any parent can successfully modify them, the petitioning parent must show that there are changes in the circumstances surrounding the child which would impact their well-being.

Moreover, the parent must show that the changes in circumstances are substantial, material and unanticipated enough to warrant the modification. This impact could be that the current plan would be detrimental to the child or the suggested changes will benefit the child moving forward.

Examples of substantial changes

The courts review each family’s facts and circumstances, which are all unique, so what counts as substantial may be different for each case. However, some common examples of these changes include either parent’s change in employment status or income, a required relocation and a risk of harm to the child.

Overall, the courts will prioritize the option in the child’s best interests. Whether you and your co-parent agree on the changes or not, it is best to carefully review the circumstances and ensure that the modifications will be the best choice for your child’s well-being.